User guide

Now that you have a working installation, two options are possible: either there is already a plugin doing exactly what you need, or most probably, you need to build your own daq_move or daq_viewer. The available specific functions are:

  • counting single photons (DAQmx_PL_counter).

  • using an analog output to move a piezoelectric scanner at a desired (slow) speed (DAQmx_ScannerControl and DAQmx_MultipleScannerControl).

This user guide will first explain how to use these two plugins, and then detail how they work.

For any other use, you will need to create your own move or viewer based on this plugin. See the Creating a plugin for your specific needs guide for a detailed procedure.

Working principle of the plugins

The controller object, which is usually the wrapper to your hardware, will always be a DAQmx object. These are defined in hardware\national_instruments\ Such an object contains a task, which is configured and then sent to the NI device. Beware that a task can only contain one channel type. The channel types are Analog Output, Analog Input, Digital Output, Digital Input or Counter. As a consequence, if you need to combine several of them, your controller will be a bit more complicated. It might be a dict containing several DAQmx objects, as in the photon counter example, or you might even need to create a specific object to handle these DAQmx objects, as in the scanner control example. More details about these two situations are given in the following sections.